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Seraphic Saturday Podcast: Episode 6

Published by Rhett Del Campo On November 6, 2020

EPISODE 6: The Making of Season S

The Seraphic Saturday Podcast Companion

Welcome to the Seraphic Saturday Podcast Companion. Our sixth episode goes behind the scenes of the making of Seraphic Fire’s Season S with guest host Rhett M. Del Campo featuring interviews with Sarah Moyer and John Buffett. Artistic Director Patrick Quigley will also drop by to discuss the process of making Season S and premiere a piece from our November concert, Still.Here. You can listen to this podcast at one of the links above, or by searching “Seraphic Saturday Podcast” on your favorite podcast search tool.

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Announcer: Thomas McCargar

Host: Rhett M. Del Campo

Segment 1: Seraphic Fire Artists Pre-Recording Interview

Executive Director Rhett M. Del Campo interviews Seraphic Fire artists, soprano Sarah Moyer and bass John Buffett, before the recording process for Still. Here., the first presentation of Season S.

Sarah Moyer
John Buffett

Segment 2: Artistic Director Patrick Dupré Quigley

Executive Director Rhett M. Del Campo interviews Artistic Director Patrick Dupré Quigley about the creative process for Season S and Still. Here.

Featured music is Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina’s “Sicut Cervus” as heard in Still. Here.

Segment 3: Seraphic Fire Artists Post-Recording Interview

Rhett M. Del Campo interviews Seraphic Fire artists, soprano Sarah Moyer and bass John Buffett, after the recording process for Still. Here., to hear how the process went.

If you have a question about today’s podcast, or a question you’d like to be answered on air in a future podcast, please email us at

Production Credits

Producer: Alexis Aimé
Engineer: Paul John Rudoi
Announcer: Thomas McCargar
Host: Rhett M. Del Campo
Companion Writer: Eric J. Rubio

GUESTS (in order of appearance)