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Coming Up: Special Presentation: Music of the Passion - Mar 28 - 30 – Register for Free!

High School Professional Choral Institute

High School Professional Choral Institute

The High School Professional Choral Institute (HSPCI) is a 5-day choral music intensive for rising Miami-Dade County juniors and seniors with an interest in pursuing vocal music performance in college. Program activities include workshops, masterclasses, rehearsals, and mock auditions designed to assist with preparation for applying to and auditioning for college music programs. The week culminates in a performance open to the public featuring HSPCI students singing side-by-side with the professional Seraphic Fire ensemble. Each participant receives an additional hour of mentorship from a Seraphic Fire artist during the upcoming school year to assist with college audition and application preparation, as well as two Seraphic Fire season subscriptions.

Students can be recommended for participation by their high school choir teachers.

This program is offered tuition-free.